This bundle provides various tools ensure the code quality before each commit
The tools provided are:
- checkComposer: to ensure that the composer.lock is commited each time the composer.json is commited (disabled because composer.lock is ignored !!)
- phpLint: to ensure that the files have the right format
- jsonLint: to ensure that the files have the right format
- codeStyle: to execute php-cs-fixer tool on php files and fix them
- codeSnifferFixer execute phpcbf on php files and fix them (new)
- codeStylePsr: to ensure that the file respect the PSR-2
- phPmd: to check the phpmd controversial rules
- phpunit : ensure unit tests passed (phpunit --testsuite unitaire --stderr)
The first step is to add the repo to your composer.json
"repositories": {
"med/codequelity": {
"url": "",
"require-dev": {
"med/codequality": "dev-master"
You have to add after this the script to install the hooks like this:
"scripts": {
"post-install-cmd": [
"post-update-cmd": [
The hook is automatically launched before each commit.
The hook will check each php file that will be commited to ensure the code quality.
Exemple of executions:
- Implement an additional Hook to check the commit message format