
A small utility used for generating testcases, which in turn get fed to tested program. Useful for debugging programs by finding problematic cases.

Primary LanguagePython

The program is a small utility used for generating testcases using provided generator and feeding them to a tested program, until one of them is miscalculated or not solved at all.

./run.py [-ah] [-t time] [-i id] [-o eod] [-u pod] [-m mx] -g gen -p prog

Flag explanation:
-a	run all tests, whether some of them fail or not
-h	display this help
-t time
	limit the execution time to 'time' seconds; default: 2.0
-i id
	set input directory to id; default: in/
-o eod
	set expected output directory to eod; default: out/
-u pod
	set program output directory to pod; default: prog_out/
	Note that a '/' is needed at the end in i/o/d flags
-m mx
	set maximum number of testcases to mx; default: 1000
-g gen
	set a command that will generate testcases.
	Note that it will be called as follows: 'gen cnt if of', where:
	cnt is current test number, and if and of are i/o files
-p prog
	command used to run a tested program

Example usage:

./run.py -t 1 -g examples/generator.out -p examples/tletest.out -m 5 -a

This command will run generator at "examples/generator.out" exactly five times and then run program "examples/tletest.out" on input files, finally comparing output with generated expected output.

Example output of command:

Testing test0:
Time Limit Exceeded

Testing test1:
Time Limit Exceeded

Testing test2:
Time Limit Exceeded

Testing test3:
Time Limit Exceeded

Testing test4:
Time Limit Exceeded

0 x Correct
0 x Wrong Answer
5 x Time Limit Exceeded
(first at in/test0.in)