
Scripts to convert a VM from Xen to oVirt

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Conversion scripts from Xen to oVirt

These scripts can be used to convert virtual machines from Xen to oVirt.

Extracting VM from Xen OVA

The script vmextract.py extracts information from the Xen OVA file containing the Xen source VM.

The following information is extracted from the OVA and stored to a vm.json file:

  • Number of CPUs and the number of cores per socket
  • Memory size
  • For each disk:
    • Image file
    • Capacity
    • Bootable flag

Then each disk image is converted from VHD format to qcow2 format by running qemu-img convert utility.

python vmextract.py --verbose CentOS-7-vm.ova

Uploading VM to oVirt

The script upload.py uploads the VM to oVirt using the python SDK.

The script does theses steps:

  • Creates the VM
  • Creates disks
  • Transfers the disk images to oVirt using the HTTP image transfer mechanism
  • Assigns the disks to the VM

Network is not attached automatically to the new VM.

python upload.py --verbose \
    --engine 'https://example.com/ovirt-engine/api' \
    --user 'admin@internal' \
    --password 'pasword' \
    --cluster '12345678-9012-3456-7890-123456789012' \
    --domain '98765432-1098-7654-3210-987654321098' \
    --name 'vm-name' \