
sovler for formal systems, inspired by GEB

Primary LanguageGo

GEB Formal System Solver

This code was inspired by a challenge presented in Douglas Hofstadter's book, Godel, Escher, Bach. This challenge comes in the first chapter, and is called the MU Challenge.

The goal is, given a set of possible transformations, find the series of transformations that are need to get from a starting state, "MI", to an ending state, "MU".

Written by Alex Krentsel in May 2022.

Defining Transformations

Each transformation is encoded by a type adhering to the Transform interface. Defining a new Transform requires creating a new type and implementing the apply(string) []string method.

Given an input string, this method should return a slice of the result of applying this transform a single time to any valid, matching place in the input.

type Transform1 string

func (t Transform1) apply(input string) []string {
	if len(input) > 0 && input[len(input)-1] == 'I' {
		return []string{input + "U"}
	return []string{}

Note: be careful when programming arbitrary matching rules such as "III" -> "U", as you will need to correctly handle overlapping matches (following that rule, "IIII" -> "UI", "IU").


Searching is implemented as a modified Breadth-First Search algorithm, with a "bag" mechanism that ensures we (1) keep track of how we got to any given state, and (2) do not apply rules in cycles.


Run the solver, and the solver will provide the sequence of rules it applied to get to a solution if it can find such a sequence, or otherwise let you know if it gives up after a configurable number of steps.

go run solver.go

Future Improvements

The largest area for improvement would be to avoid gumming up our search queue with rules that just expand forever but cannot possibly get to a solution. For example, the "Mx -> Mxx" rule will produces ever-increasing strings, which with the currently specified rules in the MIU game remain unsolvable in some cases ("MIU -> MIUIU -> MIUIUIU -> ...", no future application gets you to a state that can have any other transformation applied).

Note that this is very hard though. There could be an arbitrary rule, such as MIUIUIUIUIUIUIUIU -> MU, which you couldn't apply until many applications of the Mx->Mxx rule. An optimization here requires more thinking (and may even be impossible).
