
1. Linens

Linen CRUD = Products CRUD Mapper lib: (models, streams(!))

.roles("ADMIN") => @Secured("ROLE_ADMIN")

2. Categories

Drop h2 with

@DirtiesContext(classMode = DirtiesContext.ClassMode.AFTER_EACH_TEST_METHOD)

!!! Test with posgreSQL !!!

Cross usage of mappers:

@Mapper(componentModel = "spring", uses = ProductMapper.class)

NB: make recheck what intellij automatically imports (toList)

3. Files

liquidbase columns ->

Problem with swagger and multipart upload :( In postman it should be formdata with key-value

Validate API requires implementation: validation-api + hibernate-validator

Right file upload: FileImportControllerTest.postFile() => requires all headers, content dispositions and so on, and so on

4. Images

5. Default category excel parser

Naming convention for Repository

findByName => Optional

getByName => Product

Spring JPA method names:

interface JpaRepo {
    List<User> findByAgeGreaterThan(Integer age);
    List<User> findByAgeGreaterThanEqual(Integer age);

    List<User> findByNameOrderByName(String name);
    List<User> findByNameOrderByNameAsc(String name);

    List<User> findTop3ByAge();

    Stream<Product> findAllByImagesIsEmpty();
