- 6
Does not work with Pybind11
#65 opened by district10 - 5
Please add .gitattributes
#64 opened by ned14 - 6
- 7
- 0
- 3
Does not work with nvcc on Windows
#58 opened by ezyang - 2
- 11
Issue with std::partition
#56 opened by arnaudbrejeon - 1
operator& can be overloaded as a free function
#26 opened by EricWF - 8
Why not to put clear() to the public scope?
#53 opened by daotrungkien - 2
Add a has_value() method
#52 opened by eyalroz - 2
move operators
#32 opened by rodiers - 1
Update copyright.txt
#40 opened by maurisvh - 1
- 2
How to set an optional
#51 opened by SuicSoft - 2
Support for sentinel values
#49 opened by bjoernpollex - 1
Future proof #include
#48 opened by adishavit - 3
- 6
T::T(T&&) and T::operator=(T&&) are invoked directly by optional<T>, add to standard?
#42 opened by tamaskenez - 5
constexpr moves
#35 opened by jlaire - 2
Make a partial specialization of `std::optional<T&>` which essentially implements as `T*`?
#41 opened by cbeck88 - 1
- 0
Typo in feature guard macros
#38 opened by nicola-gigante - 1
value_or() exploits explicit conversions
#18 opened by akrzemi1 - 1
Random stray semicolon in nullopt_t
#27 opened by hostilefork - 1
remove_reference => decay
#34 opened by rodiers - 3
Iterators are missing?
#29 opened by sebastian-philipp - 4
- 1
- 5
- 10
Build failure on clang 3.5
#25 opened by lnicola - 16
Build failure on Ubuntu 14.04
#24 opened by lnicola - 0
Build breaks on Clang 3.4
#23 opened by bananu7 - 4
VS2013 Support
#22 opened by adamcavendish - 5
- 5
- 11
- 0
misbehaves in presence of `void operator&()`
#15 opened by zygoloid - 0
misbehaves in presence of overloaded operator,
#14 opened by zygoloid - 6
- 2
Exception safety issue in copy/move constructors
#11 opened by EricWF - 1
Unfortunate macro names
#10 opened by d-frey - 4
Missing == operator overloading
#8 opened by abergmeier - 0
make initializer_list constructors constexpr
#7 opened by akrzemi1 - 1
- 0