Packages Used

1. Animated Splash Screen

Animated Splash Screen is a Flutter package for making beautiful and customizable splash screens


flutter pub add animated_splash_screen

2. Google Fonts

Google Fonts is a Flutter package which gives us all the google fonts available to use in our project .


flutter pub add google_fonts


HTTP is a Flutter package for making API calls around the internet


flutter pub add http

4. Url Launcher

URL Launcher is a Flutter package for redirecting to websites


flutter pub add url_launcher


1. Home Screen

Displays the latest & breaking news to the user .

2. Discover Screen

Contains Tabs to filter the news accordingly , eg: Entertainment News, Sports News , etc.

3. Search Screen

Users can search news by typing keywords in the search box and articles are shown to them in reverse sorted chronological order.

Deployed app link - onedrive link