
Primary LanguagePHPMIT LicenseMIT

Loan APP


It is an app that allows authenticated users to go through a loan application.


  • PHP: ^7.3|^8.0
  • Laravel: ^8.40
  • MySQL: ^10.4
  • Postman

Installation (Laravel 8.x)

Clone/Download repository

$ git clone https://github.com/aksamitksharma/loan_app

Run in project folder

cd folder_name

$ composer install

Rename the .env.example to .env and do your db configurations

Migration and Seed

Run in project folder:

$ php artisan migrate:fresh --seed

Seeded Login Credentials

User email: johndoe@mail.com

All seeded accounts use 'test@123' password as well

Import Postman Setup

Import Loan App.postman_collection file into Postman (It is in your root directory)

Postman Setup


Configure 'Headers' to support 'JSON' response.

  • Run Login API with respective valid username and password.

  • Copy the response authorized token.

  • To access loans API, Need to configure authorization 'Headers' with 'Bearer authorized-token'

Run Laravel App

Run `php artisan serve`


To run Feature and Unit tests Run `php artisan test`