📝 Posts List App

Welcome to the Media App project! This repository is designed for students to practice their React skills by building a functional application. The tasks are divided into three levels: Basic, Medium, and Hard. Each level introduces new concepts and challenges to enhance your understanding of React.


  1. https://www.figma.com/design/7oTkQsdn1fl6sYB2b9hKNd/nFactorial-Web-Course?node-id=9-578&t=jHQoUmCnN3Kfuh8S-0
  2. https://medium.com
  3. https://dummyjson.com/docs

📚 Table of Contents

🚀 Getting Started

To get started with this project, follow these steps:

  1. Fork this repository to your GitHub account.
  2. Clone the repository to your local machine: git clone https://github.com/your-username/todo-list-app.git 3. Install dependencies: cd todo-list-app npm install 4. Start the development server: npm run dev

🥇 Basic Level

In the Basic level, you will implement the core interface of application.


  • Fetch all posts using axios
  • Implement posts design on main page.
  • Implement routing to detailed post page using dynamic routes.

🥈 Medium Level


🥇 Hard Level


  • Implement axios interceptor to pass auth token with requests.
  • Handle API errors in axios interceptor response.
  • Create ThemeToggle button that changes the theme of your application from dark/light to light/dark using Context API
  • Implement ADD, UPDATE, DELETE post features

Happy coding! 🎉