
Skull Stripping for T1 weighted MRI using Residual UNET 3D and Canonical ICA of rs-fMRI images

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Skull Stripping & ICA

This repository contains the end-to-end pipeline for skull-stripping of T1 Weighted MRI images and Canonical ICA of resting state fMRI (rs-fMRI) to achieve the Default Mode Network (DMN) of the brain.


Follow the below steps to setup the machine to run this project.


NFBS Skull-Stripped Repository

Download the skull-stripped images dataset from the NFBS repository and extract the tar.gz file to get the dataset under NFBS_Dataset directory.


Run the following command to install and create a virtual environment for the project. Run all these commands from inside the repository folder.

Clone to repository

git clone https://github.com/aksh-ai/skull-stripping-and-ica.git

Install virtual environment library

pip install --user virtualenv

Create a virtual environment named brain

python -m venv brain

To activate the vrtual environment


To deactivate the virtual environment



Install the required libraries using the following command

pip install --upgrade -r requirements.txt


There are several scripts available in the repository that can be used to train and run inference for skull-stripping and canonical ICA. The parameters given in examples for the scripts were the parameters used for training, evaluation, and testing of the models to achieve the required results.


The following scripts can be used to train, and run inference for skull-stripping

Data Preparation

The data can be prepared in the required format using the prepare_data.py script. It takes the following arguments

python prepare_data.py -r ROOT_DIR -o CSV_FILE_NAME -d OUTPUT_DIR


python prepare_data.py -r 'NFBS_Dataset' -o 'NFBS_Dataset_meta.csv' -d 'data'

Refer data_exp.ipynb to run the same but in an interactive manner.

Training & Evaluation

The train.py script can be used to train and evaluate the skull-stripping Residual UNET 3D model

python train.py \
      -i IMAGES_DIR \    
      -l MASK_DIR \     
      -m MODEL_DIR \       
      -ic INPUT_CHANNELS \
      -d DEVICE \
      -mn MODEL_NAME \
      -p PATCH_SIZE \
      -b BATCH_SIZE \
      -e EPOCHS \
      -ls LOSS \
      -opt OPTIMIZER \
      -lr LEARNING_RATE \
      -s SCHEDULER \
      -sk OPTIONAL_SKIP \
      -t TEST_SIZE \
      -tb TENSORBOARD \
      -c CHECKPOINT \
      -v VERBOSE \


python train.py -i 'data/images' -l 'data/targets' -m 'models' -ic 1 -oc 1 -d 'cuda' \
      -mn 'res_unet_3d' -p 64 -b 6 -hl 'NFBS_histogram_landmarks.npy' -e 6 -ls 'MSE' \
      -opt 'Adam' -s True -sk False -t 0.2 -tb True -c True -log 'ss_trianing_logs' -v 400

Refer skull_stripping_training_MSE.ipynb notebook which was run on Google Colab for the training and evaluation of the model (without optional skip)


The inference.py script can be used to run inference on a new T1 Weighted MRI Image which outputs and saves the skull-stripped image. The model used for this is residual_unet3d_MSE_2.pth present under the models directory



python inference.py -i 'T1Img\sub-02\anat_img.nii.gz' -o 'sub-02-anat-img-skull-stripped.nii.gz' -d 'cuda' -m 'models\residual_unet3d_MSE_2.pth' -p 64 -l 16 -b 1 -v True -s False

Refer inference.ipynb notebook for the inference running the inference on interactive python notebooks

Canonical ICA

The ica.py script can be used to perform Canonical ICA for resting state MRI images to decompose the rs-fMRI scans into different componenets/networks of the brain.



python ica.py -i 'Filtered_4DVolume.nii' -o 'ica_components.nii' -n 20 -v 10 -vis True -m 2

Refer ica.ipynb for the exploratory experiemntation of the ICA components of the rs-fMRI image to achieve Default Mode Network (DMN)

Model Architecture

Residual UNET 3D is a custom image segmentation architecture inspired from Residual Networks and UNET for 3D images. Below is the architecture diagram of the model.

Residual UNET 3D

The architecture basically consists of two important blocks:

  • Residual Block

Residual Block

  • Upscaling Block

Upscaling Block

Library Modules & Notebooks

The lib library contains the following modules which is reusable and enables to implement the required fucntionalities for the skull-stripping in just a few lines of code.


  • data - Requires the functions to load the NFBS datasets as whoel iamges and sub-volumes
  • layers - Contains the neural network layers required for implementing the neural network architectures
  • losses - Contains a collection of loss functions that can be used for image segmentation, generative adversarial networks, and variational autoencoders
  • models - Contains the Residual UNET 3D image segmentation architecture
  • runners - Contains the functions for training, evaluation, and inference
  • utils - Contains functions related data preparation, image visualization, preporcessing, augmentations, and segmetation operations


The notebooks contain the data exploration, data pipeline description, training, evaluation, and testing of the models

  • data_exp.ipynb - This notebook contains the meta data csv preparation of the NFBS dataset for data preparation
  • data_exploration_playground.ipynb - This notebook contains the data exploration of MRI images by visualizing them
  • data_pipeline_testing.ipynb - This notebook contains the different data pipeline's (whole and sub-volumes) usages using the data module from lib
  • skull_stripping_training_MSE.ipynb - This notebook contains the training, evaluation, and performance on the test set using the Residual UNET 3D for skull-stripping without the optional skip
  • skull_stripping_training_MSE_3.ipynb - This notebook contains the training, evaluation, and performance on the test set using the Residual UNET 3D for skull-stripping with the optional skip
  • inference.ipynb - This notebook contains the inference pipeline in notebook format using the inference.py script
  • ica.ipynb - This nontebook contains the epxloratory expeimentation of ICA to achieve DMN


The skull-stripped images for the T1 Weighted MRI test set and the Canonical ICA components image (probability atlas) for the rs-fMRI image is available at this google drive link

  • Skull-stripping on test image

Skull-stripped image

  • Skull-stripping MSE Loss progress

Without optional skip:

MSE loss

Blue - Training Loss
Orange - Validation Loss

With optional skip:

MSE loss

Blue - Training Loss
Orange - Validation Loss

  • Metrics
Model Name Optional Skip MSE Loss Dice Score IoU Score
models\residual_unet3d_MSE_2.pth False 0.008068 91.76 % 87.53 %
models\residual_unet3d_MSE_3.pth True 0.010058 91.13 % 86.11 %
  • Canonical ICA components image

ICA Components


