
Analyzing the impact of political rhetoric in social media by creating an end-to-end website by hosting on AWS and by collecting tweets from twitter of 15 POI'S

Primary LanguageHTML


Analyzing the impact of Political Rhetoric in Traditional and Social media

Project Goal:

➢Framing a problem: To analyze the impact of political rhetoric of influential actors by monitoring both social and traditional media ➢Impact by analyzing response to tweets in social media (sentiment, volume) ➢Impact by analyzing relevant news articles ➢Societal impact: events related to topics mentioned by actors ➢Does the rhetoric incite social unrest or violence? ➢Complete IR Solution: Experience in building an end-to-end IR solution involving content ingestion, search, topic categorization, analytics and visualization ➢Focus on user experience


➢Create an end-to-end IR based website (hosted on AWS) ➢Your website should at a minimum include the following pages: ‘- ➢Analytics and Visualization: Include Charts and Map based visualizations that provide insights on the POIs’ tweets and the impact of their rhetoric in their country. ➢Search: A separate web page allowing keyword search on your dataset ➢Faceted search

Analysis and Visualization:

➢For each country, perform topic analysis on POIs’ tweets to extract main topics that POIs are talking about. ➢It is your discretion whether you want to analyze each POI individually or merge all POI tweets together while detecting topics. ➢Eg: Tweets belonging to POIs from USA can be merged together for topic analysis. ➢Make sure you have segregated the tweets by country so that you can show some interesting analysis on the impact of POIs in their respective country.

Analysis and Visualization - Impact:

➢Social Media: Different type of analyses, such as sentiment analysis, keyword analysis etc., on the responses/replies to the POI on each topic. You are free to show additional social media insights based on the engagements POI’s tweets got for a particular topic. Use your creativity! ‘- ➢Societal Impact: To measure if there was any impact of POI’s tweets, you are required to extract mainstream news articles which talk about any incidents that could be related to the POI’s tweets. ➢Local news articles are the preferred sources but you can use any other sources that provide details on the incidents. ➢Use any measure that you can come up with for analysis, such as number of relevant articles that talked about POI’s tweets, map based analysis on the cities the articles were reported from, etc. ➢These articles should be multilingual based on the POI’s country.


➢A webpage to perform search operations on your indexed data ➢Ideally, left side of the web page should render a faceted search functionality. There should also be a search bar at the top of the page, like Google search, where you can search your dataset based on keywords. ➢You are encouraged to implement any further search-based functionalities that you would like.