
With this discord bot you and your friends will have a great time spending time on discord with some some dank jokes

Primary LanguageJavaScript



Free discord bot to uplift your mood with some great humor 😜


With this discord bot you and your friends will have a great time spending time on discord with some some dank jokes

How to use

To get a humor via Sarcaster:

-sr joke_type


Command Description
-sarcasm help Shows the help embed.
-sr random Will throw you a random joke.
-sr dark Will throw you a dark joke.
-sr spooky Will throw you a spooky joke.
-sr programming Will throw you a programming joke.
-sr pun Will throw you a pun joke.
-sr misc Will throw you a misc joke.
-sr ping Pings the bot and shows it's latency.


The installation is simple :), you do NOT need to know how to code to get the bot up and running. Just follow these steps:

  1. Make sure you have Node.js and npm installed.
  2. Clone the repository and then navigate to it in your terminal.
  3. Create a .env file with the following contents:

BOTTOKEN='Your secret bot token'

For this you have to create a sample bot on the discord developer portal obtain the secret bot token, put it in the .env file and then invite the sample bot to your server.

  1. Enter npm install to install the dependencies.
  2. Enter node bot.js to run the bot. The bot should be online on your server in a few seconds.
  3. Enjoy!

🔴 Copyright © 2021 Akshat Srivastava