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Primary LanguageHTML

Seeking Roots

Seeking Roots is a web-application where users can register themselves providing their basic details and write posts or stories about themselves (AutoBiographies) and also about their near and dear ones (Biographies).


Here're some of the project's major features:

  • Add user accounts (SignUp/SignIn).
  • Update user details.
  • Unique User Profile picture generated by API calls.
  • Add posts about themselves or somebody they know.
  • Upload multiimedia files and store it securely in the cloud(FireBase Storage).
  • Generate a downloadable PDF file for the article written.

For more details, check out all the planned features, completed targets and the pending targets here!

Check out the deployed website here

Check out the Issues created for this project here

Check out the Pull Requests created for this project here

Built with


  • HTML5
  • CSS3
  • JavaScript


  • FireBase

Deployed to

  • Front-end : GitHub pages

  • Back-end : Firebase functions are already cloud hosted

Like our work and would like to support us? Or have an idea that can be implemented in this project?

Contact us at: sshsrn@gmail.com sm2482@srmist.edu.in


  • Front-end UI Screenshots:
    • SignUp page
    • LogIn page
    • User Profile page loading animation
    • User Profile page
    • User Profile page (Update Details)
    • Biography page(Add stories of people as a text or upload multimedia files)
    • Rendered MarkDown in Biography page
    • Save the article as PDF
    • Uploading multimedia
    • Select multimedia files to upload
    • Preview of the image selected to upload
  • Back-end Screenshots (from FireBase):
    • FireBase RealTime DataBase(RTDB) showing all users
    • FireBase Storage showing all users who have uploaded multimedia files in their account
    • FireBase Storage showing multimedia by a specific user
    • FireBase Authentication showing all users