
A java implementation of reversi / othello for two players/computers

Primary LanguageJava




A java as well as Arm implementation of reversi / othello for two players. There are three programs: lab3.s, ui.java, and uiautomated.java. lab3.s is the arm code and can be run on ArmSim Simulater availible from http://armsim.cs.uvic.ca/ and run and be played. ui.java is the java code for the same can be used to play person to person. While uiautomated.java can be used to see two computers play. Have fun watching those beasts fighting :p . alt Snap from ArmSim game

lab3.s and ui.java is the main file

uiautomated.java is the automated file

for java programs open bash and run

javac ui.java

java ui


javac uiautomated.java

javac uiautomated

for arm program open ARMSim(downloadable from http://armsim.cs.uvic.ca/) and open the lab3.s file and execute it. and play