
The Shopping Complex API provides endpoints to manage shops within a shopping complex. Users can create, read, update, and delete shops, as well as retrieve shops based on their rent payment status. Additionally, the API allows for updating a shop's status and name.

API Documentation

View API Documentation


  • / (GET): Home endpoint
  • /getShops (GET): Get all shops endpoint
  • /getShop/{id} (GET): Get shop by ID endpoint
  • /createShop (POST): Create a new shop endpoint
  • /updateStatus/{id} (PUT): Update shop status by ID endpoint
  • /updateName/{id} (PUT): Update shop name by ID endpoint
  • /deleteShop/{id} (DELETE): Delete shop by ID endpoint
  • /statusTrue (GET): Endpoint for shops with rent paid
  • /statusFalse (GET): Endpoint for shops with rent not paid