Smart Resume Analyser App

forthebadge made-with-python
Python 3.6

  • Extracting user's information from the Resume, I used PyResparser
  • Extracting Resume PDF into Text, I used PDFMiner.


  • User's & Admin Section
  • Resume Score
  • Based on Resume score, will schedule interviewer with Company.


  • Clone my repository.
  • Open CMD in working directory.
  • Run following command.
    pip install -r requirements.txt
  • is the main Python file of Streamlit Web-Application.
  • is the Python file that contains courses and youtube video links.
  • Download XAMP or any other control panel, and turn on the Apache & SQL service.
  • To run app, write following command in CMD. or use any IDE.
    streamlit run
  • Uploaded_Resumes folder is contaning the user's uploaded resumes.
  • is the main file which is containing a KNN Algorithm.
  • Admin side credentials is d4wale and password is admin.