
Problem Statement:

Assume that you are the CTO for the outsourcing firm which has been chosen to build an admission form for the Yoga Classes which happen every month. Requirements for the admission form are:

  • Only people within the age limit of 18-65 can enroll for the monthly classes and they will be paying the fees on a month on month basis. I.e. an individual will have to pay the fees every month and he can pay it any time of the month.
  • They can enroll any day but they will have to pay for the entire month. The monthly fee is 500/- Rs INR.
  • There are a total of 4 batches a day namely 6-7AM, 7-8AM, 8-9AM and 5-6PM. The participants can choose any batch in a month and can move to any other batch next month. I.e. participants can shift from one batch to another in different months but in same month they need to be in same batch

Steps Taken

Step 1

  • Design database and table schema

E-R Diagram

Step 2

  • Choosing Tech Stack HTML, CSS, Javascript, MySQL, Php

Step 3

  • Desing Approach
  1. Created Registration form, which takes AGE, Start_date, email and password.
  2. After submitting details, redirect to payment page.
  3. After payment, Login through email and password.
  4. View Details and Edit Batch timings in portal.

Video Explaination

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