This repository contains a pathway for practical approach to learn data-science with python by implementing a variety of well documented projects along with hand made notes to learn different skills that can be required for working with python and data-science.
*Basic python programming.
*Working with tkinter.
*Working with flask.
*Web-Scraping with beautiful soup.
*Working with pandas to analyse differet datasets.
*Using matplotlib.
*Using seaborn.
*Using pandas.
*Using D3-js.
*Linear Regression.
*Logistic Regression.
*Decision Tree.
*Random Forest.
*Dimentionality Reduction Techniques.
*Time Series Analysis.
*Deep Learning with Keras.
*Deep Learning using open-cv.
*Deep Learning using tensorflow.
*No-Sql databases(MongoDb).
*Sql databases.
This repository is maintained by "Akshat Bhatt". In case you have any issue regarding any topic from this repository, feel free to contact me at