
A Python Mini Project on Banking Management System by: Akshat Shah, 16010120102

for the Proper working of the project you have install the following libraries using pip install:

  • datetime
  • speech_recognition
  • colorama
  • termcolor
  • simple_colors
  • os
  • pyttsx3
  • fpdf

Use proper earphones/headphones for proper detection of your voice and to hear the instructions said by the system.

We have worked to make a banking management system (named as: THE INDIAN BANK) which has the following features:

  • Opening a new account
  • Withdraw money
  • Deposit money
  • Check customer details
  • Delete Account
  • Take loan
  • Repayment loan
  • Overseas Transfers
  • Interaccount Trnasfers
  • Speech recognition (to accept the voice of the user and selecting which feature of the bank to use)
  • Text to speech

Download the zip file from the github and unzip it on your system. Make sure all the files of the zip are kept together in a folder. Using a python compiler, open the folder. After running the program you, the user is supposed to say "hey bank" which activates the banking system. And which the listening prompt appears the user shouls speak out the option he/she wants to run. A voice assistant keeps guiding the user throughout the program, converting all the text into a voice as the main idea of this project is to enable vblind people to work with the program. In case incorrect credentials are given user will be guided out of the application. For any work carried out with the bank, user can generate a written statement of their action having time and date mentioned in it. The user should strictly say exit and exit from the program or else the work done in the program will not be saved in the program.