
With this project, we hope to help solve the problems faced during farming and help the farmers, government and consumer by highlighting the advantages of using Machine Learning to predict crop yield and present an alternate supply chain by using block chain and decentralized the entire process.

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With this project, we hope to help solve the problems faced during farming and help the farmers, government and consumer by highlighting the advantages of using Machine Learning to predict crop yield and present an alternate supply chain by using block chain and decentralized the entire process.

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The source code of this project is written in HTML/CSS/JS, Flask (Python) and Node.js.

Instructions to run frontend

$ git clone https://github.com/akshatvg/Crop-Data-Management-and-Yield-Prediction-using-Blockchain-and-ML
$ cd Crop-Data-Management-and-Yield-Prediction-using-Blockchain-and-ML
$ git checkout master
$ npm i
$ live-server

Instructions to run backend

$ git clone https://github.com/akshatvg/Crop-Data-Management-and-Yield-Prediction-using-Blockchain-and-ML
$ cd Crop-Data-Management-and-Yield-Prediction-using-Blockchain-and-ML
$ git checkout backend
$ pip3 install -r requirements.txt
$ python3 app.py

Need help?

Feel free to contact me via Facebook.

Invite me to connect on LinkedIn.

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MIT © Akshat Gupta

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