
What I am currently using for bootstrapping cra projects

Primary LanguageJavaScript



  • React app with CSR (create-react-app)
  • Helper hooks for HTTP requests, intervals, session management, viewport size
  • Redux based session storage
  • Redux based notifications
  • SWR for data fetching (linked with notifications)
  • PWA ready
  • Yarn for depedency management
  • Prettier for code-formatting (pre-commit hook)
  • ESLint scripts for linting and fixing

Getting started

  • Clone this repo or use this repo as a template for your new github project.
  • Run yarn
  • Check Scripts section below for scripts

Enviroment variables



start: craco start, build: craco build, test: craco test, pretty: prettier --write ./src, lint: eslint src --ext .js, lint:fix: npm run lint -- --fix, eject: react-scripts eject