NodeJS Workshop

Workshop 1


For each lesson, make sure to run npm install

Once you have your node_modules installed, just run node index.js

Workshop 2

Introduction to Express JS

Workshop 3

Create users and list them all in memory

Workshop 4

Now we're getting somewhere. This project structure is a little more of what you would see in the real world. The folder contains an src folder told hold all of our code. This allows us to seperate code from project build files like .gitignore and node_modules.

NOTE: To run this run npm install and then npm start

Setup MongoDB

WTF is module.export??

So we've used require('...') to import files and we're getting to the point where there is too much code for one file, so we need to seperate it a little bit.

Using module.export = somedata means that by requiring that file, I will automatically have complete access to that function, object, etc.

If you plan on making a utility class you can do things like

module.exports.getAllUsers = getAllUsers

module.exports.deleteUser = deleteUser

Where getAllUsers and deleteUser are both functions referenced from earlier in the code.

Express Router

Now that we have a large codebase, we should also seperate our routes.

routes/index.js will hold our core groups such as users, and each route file will hold the API methods for each group, such as create, list, get, update, delete.

We use this Router class so that we do not have to include our server.js file to reference the entire app. The router class lets use this group of our api as a middleware. We'll dive deeper into this later, but middlewares are the real beauty of ExpressJS.