Reduced ordered binary decision diagram (ROBDD) is one of the most influential target languages. We generalize ROBDD by associating some implied literals in each node and the new language is called reduced ordered binary decision diagram with implied literals (ROBDD-L).

Primary LanguageJava


Reduced Ordered Binary Decision diagrams (ROBDDs) have some interesting properties. They provide compact representations of Boolean expressions, and there are efficient algorithms for performing all kinds of logical operations on ROBDDs. They are all based on the crucial fact that for any function f : B n B there is exactly one ROBDD representing it. This means, in particular, that there is exactly one ROBDD for the constant true (and constant false) function on B n : the terminal node 1 (and 0 _in case of false). Hence, it is possible to test in constant time whether an ROBDD is constantly true or false