
Test infrastructure for the SaC case study

Primary LanguagePython


This is the testing infrastructure for the sac2c compiler. It is comprised of the following files and folders:

- .dbconfig => The file containing important information for access to the mySQL database
- .config => The file containing important information required for the test infrastructure to run
- CPU_monitor.sh => This script runs in the background when sac.sh is called. It uses mpstat to collect CPU usage data and writes to the file CPU.log
- run_CPU.sh = This script is an infinite loop of mpstat 1 1 that is used by CPU_monitor.sh
- wemo_monitor.sh => This script runs in the background when sac.sh is called. It collects data from the Wemo on instantaneous power consumption and writes to the file energy.log
- WemoControl => This folder contains the wemo_insight.py script that is used by wemo_monitor.sh
- failsafe.py => This script is called when the machine that it is on reboots. This happens because the Wemos have a tendency to randomly turn off. Its behavior can be found in its file header.
- mcontrol.py => Used by measure_sac.py in performing benchmark testing
- measure_sac.py => The script executed when sac.sh is called. This file is the heart of the benchmark test infrastructure
- mdb.py => Used by measure_sac.py and mcontrol.py to access the MySQL database where tasks are chosen and results are recorded
- stop.py => Used by sac.sh when sac.sh is told to stop. It essentially performs the same task as failsafe.py, and ensures that no test data is lost
- sac-run.sh => Contains the command for executing the compiled file (modified when the benchmark is changed) -- NOTE: measure_sac.py's references should be changed accordingly if necessary
- sac-compile.sh => Contains the command for compiling a benchmark with a given configuration (modified when the benchmark is changed) -- NOTE: measure_sac.py's references should be changed accordingly if necessary
- sac => Contains the benchmarks that will be tested (It is depended upon by sac-run.sh and sac-compile.sh)
- sac.sh => The script used to start and stop measurements

NOTE: The sac folder is not included because it contains files that are too large to be committed


1. Download and install SaC in the home directory
2. Place the IP address of the Wemo attached to the machine in a file named myWemo.txt in the home directory
3. Place the energy directory in any directory on the machine
4. Update the .config file with the information requested
5. Update the .dbconfig file with the login and password of your MySQL server
6. // Contact us to learn how your database should be set up
7. Use ./sac.sh start [Series Name] to begin measurements for a given series