
Simple tutorial to containerize and publish your go app to Docker

Primary LanguageDockerfileMIT LicenseMIT

Go + Docker = Awesomeness

Follow bellow steps to get started

  1. Have a look at some important links

  2. Clone this repository -

    git clone https://github.com/akshaybharambe14/go-docker.git
  3. Install docker

  4. Build, deploy and run a docker image -

    To containerize our app, we need to build an "image". The "Dockerfile" instructs docker to build desired image. All the docker files can be found in "./docker" folder.

    Explanation to docker commands is written in docker file itself.

    Here, we are building 3 types of images

  5. Publish your docker image to docker hub.

    • Create your account at docker

    • Log in to your account in docker cli with

      docker login
    • Tag your image with format <username>/<target-name>:<version>

      docker tag go-docker akshaybharambe14/go-docker:v1.0.0
    • Push it to docker hub

        docker push akshaybharambe14/go-docker:v1.0.0

    Thats it. Now you have your own docker image.

  • Basic Docker image

    • Build a docker image - This will build with default "Dockerfile" at the root of repo.

      docker build -t go-docker .

      In our case, we need to provide path to Dockerfile with following command. This builds a docker image with name go-docker with file ./docker/example.Dockerfile

      docker build -t go-docker -f ./docker/example.Dockerfile .
    • List docker images -

      docker image ls

      You can see an image with name "go-docker" in the list.

    • Run the image in container -

      docker run -d -p 6060:8080 go-docker

      This will map 6060 port from host os to our app with port. We can access it with http://localhost:6060/

    • List running containers -

      docker container ls
    • Stop the container with id fff93d13a484

      docker container stop fff93d13a484
  • Image with docker volume

    As we have a logger in our app, which logs to a file named app.log. This file is not visible to use. For this we need to redirect our logs to a location on host machine.

    • Build -

      docker build -t go-docker-volume -f ./docker/volume.Dockerfile .
    • Run - This will map D:/logs from your host machine to /app/logs on the container. You can see the logs at D:/logs/app.log. The log file name is provided in the Dockerfile.

      docker run -d -p 6060:8080 -v D:/logs:/app/logs go-docker-volume
  • Optimized multistage image with docker volume

    • Build -

      docker build -t go-docker-optimized -f ./docker/multistage.Dockerfile .
    • Run -

      docker run -d -p 6060:8080 -v D:/logs:/app/logs go-docker-optimized