KNz Media Organiser

Getting Started

npm run dev

Data models

Tag model:

    name: "Category",
    kind: "string",
    values: ["sl", "bl", "tl"]
    name: "Category",
    kind: "string",
    values: ["sl", "bl", "tl"]

Album model:

    id: "dqv234234",
    name: "Album name",
    dateCreated: 'timestamp',
    items: ["path/to/file.jpg", "path/to/file.jpg", "path/to/file.jpg"]
    id: "rt23455",
    name: "Album name",
    dateCreated: 'timestamp',
    items: ["path/to/file.jpg", "path/to/file.jpg", "path/to/file.jpg"]

Algorithm for albums

Showing the images in main

Starts gets to a entry with image.album array not empty renders an album ImageElement saves the all the album ids in a temp array (Maybe store the temp array inside the db.config.runtime of db state) skips all the other entries with an album id from the temp array

Creating an album

Get all selected images in selectedItems array Get name, if needed description Create an entry in db.config.albums with an uniqueId Save that uniqueId in the image entry in an array (one to many relationship)