Shopping Mall is a full-featured e-commerce application built using the MERN stack (MongoDB, Express.js, React, Node.js). The application provides a seamless shopping experience with features like user authentication, product browsing, shopping cart, order management, and payment processing and also very interactive Admin side managment
- User Authentication: Secure user registration and login with JWT authentication.
- Product Management: Browse products, search, filter by categories, and view product details.
- Shopping Cart: Add products to the cart, update quantities, and remove items.
- Order Management: Place orders, view order history, and track order status.
- Payment Processing: Secure payment integration using Stripe.
- Admin Dashboard: Manage products, orders, and users.
To run project, run the following command
1. Install NPM packages in the following directories.
Root Directory -- npm install
cd frontend -- npm install
2. Set up your config.env file in the backend
for exmaple
3. To run application run the following commands
root directary -- npm run dev
cd frontend -- npm start