
Primary LanguageTypeScript

Event Management web application

To run this application in the local machine following pre-requisites should be installed

  1. python 3.6
  2. Angular 8
  3. MySQL 5.7

Steps to run server side code

Create a virtual environment and install all the dependencies. The step to install dependencies is

pip install -r requirement.txt

Before running the flask application configure the database.

Create a database in MySQL 5.7 and update the connection string in src/application.py with the database username and password

The connection string is of the format


Run the following command to run the backend flask application.

cd server
export FLASK_APP=src/application.py
flask run

To run the client code:

cd client
npm install
ng serve

Angular code will be running at http://localhost:4200

Steps to deploy the code in AWS EC2 Instance

Create RDS instance of MySQL 5.7 and update the database credentials in the application.py file.

  1. Create an EC2 ubuntu 18 instance.
  2. Create a key-pair
  3. ssh to EC2 instance
  4. install nginx, flask, pip, virtualenv, nodejs, angular-cli
  5. cd /etc/nginx/sites-enabled and add the foll code
    listen 80; 
    server_name <EC2 ip address>;
    root /var/www/dist/client;      
    index index.html index.htm; 

    location / {         
        # First attempt to server request as file, then         
        # as directory, then fall back to displaying a 404.          
        try_files $uri $uri/ /index.html =404;      

    location ~ ^/api { 


Then start the nginx service using:
sudo nginx service start
  1. Move the code to EC2, create virtualenv, install the dependencies and run the application using
export FLASK_APP=src/application.py
nohup flask run //this will run the flask app in background
  1. bundle the client code using command
cd client

Change the server url to the ip address of the EC2 instance in client/src/app/api.service.ts

ng build --prod --build-optimizer
  1. move the dist folder to /var/www/
  2. Run sudo service nginx restart
  3. Go to the url of the ip address of EC2 instance

The application is now deployed on EC2 instance.