
This is Boilerplate/Template for Playwright with Cucumber Java and JUnit for Assertions with Spark Extent reporting for HTML and PDF

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT

About the Project

Playwright Demo - This project is based on Microsoft Playwright which enables reliable end-to-end testing for modern web apps.

Top Features:

  • Easy to Configure.
  • Auto-waits for all the relevant checks to pass and only then performs the requested action.
  • Records the test script and every action on the target page is turned into generated script.
  • Generates trace file on failure, which gives in-depth details of Test Case execution.
  • Execution of test case is faster when compared with other competitive framework in market.
  • Supports Headful/Headless mode execution for Firefox/Webkit/Google Chrome/Chromium/MS Edge on Windows/Linux/Mac machines.
  • Rerun Failed Test cases
  • Supports 'download' event monitoring, so there is no need for user to actually wait for downloads to finish.
  • Supports Serial and Parallel execution.
  • Spark PDF/HTML Reports are generated after execution with an option to capture screenshot/video/trace file on failure.
  • Nonetheless Support from Microsoft so FREQUENT RELEASES and turn around time for any queries is 48 hours.

Built With

Getting Started


The following software are required:

  • java : Download and Install java 1.8
  • Maven must be configured


  1. Clone the repo using below URL
  1. Navigate to folder and install dependencies using:
mvn clean install


  1. For Browser Configuration, change required value in browser and headless mode in src/test/resources/config/config.properties.
  2. For executing test cases in parallel, navigate to pom.xml and in plugin in configuration section provide <skipTests>false</skipTests> Now if you want to run 4 features in parallel provide <threadCount>4</threadCount> in maven-failsafe-plugin section in pom.xml and execute below command
mvn verify
  1. For executing test cases in sequence, provide a suitable tag @smoke at the start of your scenario and execute below command:
mvn test "-Dcucumber. options=--tags @smoke"
  1. For recording test scripts execute below command with desired url:
mvn exec:java -e -D exec.mainClass=com.microsoft.playwright.CLI -D exec.args="codegen https://demoqa.com/"
  1. For HTML Report configuration navigate to src/test/resources/extent.properties and provide destination folder as value in extent.reporter.spark.out
  2. For PDF Report configuration navigate to src/test/resources/extent.properties and provide destination folder as value in extent.reporter.pdf.out
  3. Screenshots and Trace files will be generated in target folder on failure this configuration is provided in src/test/java/hooks/Hooks.java in takeScreenshotAndTrace method.
  4. To change your username go to src/test/resources/config/config.properties and provide value against adminUsername
  5. To change password, go to src/main/java/utils/WebActions.java in encrypt() and replace yourPassword with your password, execute the test case, Encrypted password will be printed on your console . Copy Encrypted password in src/test/resources/config/config.properties against adminPassword field.
  6. You can even execute test cases by running src/test/java/testrunner/TestRunner.java file all the failed test cases are saved in target/rerun.txt
  7. For rerunning failed test cases run src/test/java/testrunner/ReRunner.java
  8. Reports will be generated in target/HTMLReport and target/PdfReport folders.


  • Overall Report Overall Report Screenshot

  • Failure Report Failure Report Screenshot

  • PDF Report PDF Report Screenshot