This repository contains setup instructions for all the resources required for the workshop. Please go through them carefully and install in your system. For any queries open an issue or contact a mentor.
Go to ( to download the current version of python, that is python 3.7.2
Click on download python 3.7.2.
A python 3.7.2.exe file will be downloaded.
Double click on the icon labeling the file python 3.7.2.exe . An Open File - Security Warning pop-up window will appear. Click on run.
A Python 3.7.2 (32-bit) Setup pop-up window will appear.
Ensure that the Install launcher for all users (recommended) and the Add Python 3.7 to PATH checkboxes at the bottom are checked. If the Python Installer finds an earlier version of Python installed on your computer, the Install Now message may instead appear as Upgrade Now .
Highlight the Install Now (or Upgrade Now) message, and then click it. A User Account Control pop-up window will appear, posing the question Do you want the allow the following program to make changes to this computer?
Click the Yes button. A new Python 3.7.2 (32-bit) Setup pop-up window will appear.
Python 3.7.2 (32-bit) Setup pop-up window will appear with a Setup was successfuly message.
Voila you now have python 3.7.2 installed!!