
The project performs binary sentiment classification (positive or negative) on IMDB Movie Reviews dataset

Primary LanguagePython

IMDB Movie Reviews Sentiment Analysis using LSTM (Long-Short Term Memory) Networks

This project performs sentiment analysis by classification an IMDB movie review into positive (1) and negative (0)

Description of the Dataset

The core dataset contains 50,000 reviews split evenly into 25,000 training and 25,000 testing sets. The overall distribution of labels is balanced. You can learn more about this dataset: http://ai.stanford.edu/~amaas/data/sentiment/


  • Review: IMDB Moview Review Text.
  • Sentiment: 1 (positive), 0 (negative)


  • python - Programming Language
  • tensorflow - TensorFlow is an open-source machine learning library for research and production
  • keras - Keras is a high-level neural networks API
  • sklearn - Scikit-learn is a free software machine learning library for the Python
  • numpy - NumPy is the fundamental package for scientific computing
  • pandas - Pandas is a software library used for data manipulation and analysis

Steps of Appylying the Machine Algorithm

Step 1. Get data using get_reviews_data

  • loops through multiple text files, imports the reviews into a list, cleans, and stores it into pandas dataframe

Step 2. Prepares the data for machine learning using preprocess_text_data

  • tokenizes the Textual data
  • creates a padded sequence of numbers representing the textual review data
  • returns a numpy array

Step 3. Create a Baseline LSTM (Long Short Term Memory) Neural Network using create_baseline_model method

  • be careful when designing the model. Here input_dim of the emmbedding layer should be greater than the size of input vocabulary. The size of the vocabulary can be calculated by print(tokenizer.word_index)
  • The output layer will be sigmoid layer consisting of 1 neuron (for binary classification)
  • This will output fuzzy values ranging between 0 and 1 depicting the class probabilities.
  • compile the model using loss function, optimizer, and metric: Here, we have chosen binary_crossentropy as the loss function since we are performing classification task. Optimiser is adam and metric is accuracy

Step 4. split_and_fit_dataset

  • train_test_split splits the data in the ratio of test-size to the total dataset, i.e. test_size = 0.2 implies train_size = 0.8
  • fit the training data (x_train, y_train) in the model using model.fit method

Step 5 evaluate the model performance on test set using model.evaluate method.

  • print the test_acc and test_loss. This provides the model performance on test_data

Step 5. Iteratively tune the model hyperparameters

  • Tune the hyperparameters of the network such as learning rate, activation functions, optimizer, depth of the network (number of hidden layers), width of layers (no. of neurons in each layer), DropOut layers, batch size, epochs, L1 or Ll2 regularization. This is basically the part where the magic happens.


Activation function: tanh
Optimizer: adam
learning rate,α: 0.01 (default)
dropout: 0.2, 0.9
train-test: 0.8/0.2
batch_size: 32
epochs: 50
loss function: binary_crossentropy


Accuracy: 55.15%


Akshit Agarwal
