
Database Management project to implement a course management system in golang.

Primary LanguageGo

#DBMS Project: College Management System in Golang.


##E-R digram of the Database system

##Instructions to run the Database

  1. You will need mysql and go-sql-driver.
  • For getting the second, you will need to configure your GOPATH and GOBIN directories.
  • gopath should contain 3 folders : bin, pkg, src.
  • gobin should be the bin folder in gopath.
  1. In mysql, create database called 'cms'.
  • then create user called 'cms' with password 'cms' and grant it all permissions on database 'cms'.
  • To run mysql do:
mysql -u <username> -p

then press enter, then enter password.

  • to execute from file, do:
mysql -u <username> -p < <filename>

then press enter, then enter password. 3. execute make-tables.sql using above instructions 4. compile using

go install cms

(should work if gopath and gobin are configured) 5. run copy html to bin script 6. cd to the bin directory and run as: ./cms 7. you can now run the site. access it at localhost:8080 address.