
The site files of avinhere.me. Special thanks to @iuridepaula for providing the template on which this site was built. Do reach out to me if you have any issues. (Note: This repository is not directly connected to the live edition and is for development and for re-use.) :octocat:

Primary LanguageVue

Avinhere Portfolio [OUTDATED]

This version is now outdated and an updated version is currently being worked on. This repositroty will continue to be publicly available on GitHub but will not be actively maintained.

Group 20

This repository contains the files used to create my personal portfolio hosted at https://avinhere.me/

How to run

  1. Clone this repo (how to clone a repo)
  2. Install dependencies
  3. Run

After cloning the repo in your machine, run:

npm install
npm start

Once you are finished with the changes and ready to publish, proceed to the GitHub desktop application and push the local changes or use git push. The final step is to open a pull request so I can review your changes and add them!

Feel free to contact me anytime on hello@avinhere.me or for a faster response through Discord on: Avin#9023.