
This is the official challenge series repository of docker community vellore. Every challenge will have a separate branch. Do checkout and complete the task in time. Stay up to date with challenge series by following us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DockerVellore/


This is the first challenge in the image challenge series. For this particular challenge you are required to create a docker image for the application and publish it to Docker hub

Steps to proceed:

  1. Clone this repository. (git clone https://github.com/akshitgrover/dockerCommunityVellore.git)

  2. Checkout branch "image01" (git checkout image01)

  3. Create a docker file.

  4. Test your application.

  5. Publish your image to docker hub.

Note: If you don't have docker installed, for this challenge you use play-with-docker

How to get your completion acknowledged?

This is going to be pretty easy.

  1. Share the link of image you published on docker hub on our Facebook Page

  2. Tag us @DockerVellore.

  3. Don't forget to put picture of Dockerfile you created, This will just make reading your post more fun. :P :)

Once you've completed all the steps we will verify by playing with your image. If you have successfully completed the challenge and you make it to top3, You'll recieve a message from us regarding the Schwags.

Not a Node.js Developer?

Don't worry as the application you have to Dockerize is in node.js. You can make an application of your own, which should serve "Congratulation You Have Successfully Completed Docker Community Vellore Challenge Series (#image01)" on base route with your application lifted on port 3000. Dockerize the same, publish the image and follow the same steps further as mentioned above.