***INTRODUCTION*** ***GET MORE DETAILED INFORMATION HERE - https://akashnotes.com/website-automation/ *** Website Automation is a application which is used to prepare data for websites to post. The application traverses through the web for a given topic and extracts the related articles and photos from it, saves them and posts them online using CMS WordPress. ============================================================================== This application has the following files: 1.main.py Driver file of the application 2.goog.py Loads the text information 3.getpic.py Loads the photos using selenium 4.getc.py Loads the text using particular website name ***DEPRICATED*** 5.wp-test.py Posts the content using CMS WordPress ***WIP*** WIP - Work is Progress ============================================================================== The application requires the following modules in Python3 1.BeautifulSoup 2.urllib & urllib3 3.Requests 4.wordpress_xmlrpc 5.docx 6.google 7.json 8.certifi The application also requires selenium ==============================================================================