The Community Quests plugin allows server owners and administers to create server-wide quests for players to participate in either working together or working against each other.
The jar for this plugin can be downloaded on Spigot. Add the jar file to the plugin folder on your spigot server. See the guide below to configure quests to use on your server. There are no hard dependencies, however, if you have vault and an economy plugin installed you can give players money as a reward for completing quests.
Opens up a GUI to begin a new quest
Starts a quest with the given ID and quest type
Opens up a GUI to see the progress of all active quests
Opens up a GUI to end active quests
Reloads the configuration file
Contribute to a donate quest, opens menu where players can place items that will be donated to a given quest.
Contribute to a money quests
Opens a GUI to claim rewards for completed quests
The config.yml provides a powerful customization system allowing you to create server-wide quests for your players to enjoy. All quests are created in the config.yml file and are started in-game.
Currently, the configuration file is the only way to create quest types. I hope to include a GUI to do this in-game or on a website in the future.
Under the Quests section quests can be created, the field (the example below uses ExampleQuest), must be unique.
Here is an example of a quest where everyone on the server must work together to kill a combined 100 zombies, pigs, and zombie pigmen to finish the quest.
ExampleQuest: # this value can be anything but it must be unique
displayName: "&cZombie and Pig Slayer"
type: mobkill # required, see type list for available types
displayItem: ZOMBIE_HEAD # optional parameter to set the item used in GUIs for a given quest
worlds: # this parameter is optional, if included the quest will only occur in the specified worlds
- world
entities: # This is an optional parameter, if it doesn't exist the quest will count ALL mob kills. entity reference:
- Zombie
- Pig
description: Kill 100 zombies and pigs!
goal: 100 # The goal is the amount of the task to be completed
questDuration: 1d # The quest will last for 1 day or until the goal is reached, whichever comes first
rewards: # set customized rewards for player's who contribute to the quest
... Rewards format is shown below ...
OtherQuest: Other quest info...
The name that will be shown for the quest you've created
The material that will be used to display a quest in /cq view, start and stop commands.View this list for available materials.
A short description of the quest used in messages and displays.
The quest type, see here for a list of types:
The amount you'll need to complete to finish the quest. To run a collaborative quest a goal is required even if you have a questDuration set.
The time that the quest should run for in seconds, so if it is set to 60s the quest will last for one minute. You could also do 1m to achieve the same result. If both goal and time required are set then the quest will run until the goal is hit or until the duration is hit, whichever comes first.
questDuration: 6d7h30m24s
Pass in a command to be run before a quest begins
Pass in a command to be run after a quest ends
Use this parameter to restrict quests to specific worlds. All worlds in the list will be able to participate in quests. When no value is provided for worlds then the quest will be enabled in every world.
This is an optional parameter for the following quest types: blockbreak, blockplace, donate, enchantitem, craftitem and consumeitem. If the field is empty or nonexistent then all blocks will be considered. You can include patterns in the blocks list such as 'Ore', and every material that has ore in its name will be a part of the quest.
This is an optional field for the following quest types: mobkill, projectilekill and catchfish. If empty or not used then all mob types will be included.
The rewards are given to players after completing the quest. There are four types of rewards: money, experience, command, and item rewards. Experience and money rewards are earned based on how much you contribute to the quest. Item rewards are given to everyone in cooperative quests, but only to the winner in competitive quests. More reward options will be added in the future. Command rewards allow you to run a command for a given player when the quest completes.
The player can use the command /cq rewards to claim their items after a quest is complete. This way players who aren't currently online can still claim their rewards.
Note: money, experience, commands and items are all optional, you do not need to specify the values you don't want to use.
Rewards example
rewardsLimit: 5 # only top 5 contributors get the rewards, if not set or 0 then everyone gets rewards
experience: 100
money: 1000 # You must have Vault and an Economy plugin installed for this to work
- give player stick 15 # player will be replaced with the name of the player receiving the reward.
- material: DIAMOND_SWORD
amount: 1
displayName: "&bPowerful Diamond Sword"
- material: APPLE
amount: 12
displayName: "&capples"
There are two quest types to chose from: competitive and cooperative. If you're using the GUI which is opened from the /sp start command, after choosing the quest you'd like to run you're presented with a GUI to pick the type. You can also do /cq start [QuestId] [coop/comp].
Cooperative quests involve everyone on the server working together to complete the goal. For example in the quest created in the configuration section, the quest will be complete once 100 zombies, pigs, and zombie pigmen have been killed. Note: This means 100 total of any combination of zombies/pigs/zombie pigman kills that add to 100. If questDuration is set then the player's must complete the quest in the given time limit. If the quest is not completed no rewards will be given out.
Player's are rewarded based on how much they contribute to the quest. If the reward is 1000 money and PlayerX kills 50 of the 100 zombies, PlayerX will receive 500. Item and command rewards are given to every player who contributes to the quest. You can use the rewardsLimit field in the rewards section of the config if you only want the top x number of players to get a reward.
Competitive quests put the players against each other to see who can complete a goal first. Using our zombie/pig example from above, the quest will end once a single player gets 100 kills for the correct mob types. If a time limit is set and the quest ends before the goal is reached the top players will still get rewards based on their contributions.
Money/experience awards work the same way as cooperative quests. If the money reward is 1000 the winner of the competition will get 1000. If Player1 came in second with 70 kills, he or she will get 700. The winner is the only person who will get items and commands in a competitive quest. Think of it as more of a challenge than a quest.
- donate- these quests require players to donate a specified number of a given material. The /cq donate command will open a GUI where the player can donate their items. (The items will be gone forever once placed!)
- mobkill - activated when you kill an entity, use entities list to set the mobs to be killed
- catchfish- catch a given number of fish
Fishing Example: use the fish names from this list in the entities field: for example: COD, SALMON etc.
displayName: Catch Fish
type: catchfish
displayItem: FISHING_ROD
- Cod
- Salmon
- Pufferfish
description: Catch 3 fish!
goal: 10
experience: 100
: kill other playersblockbreak
: break a block specified in the materials list in the configurationblockplace
: place a block specified in the materials list in the configurationprojectilekill
: kill entities with a projectile specify entities in the configurationshear
: shear sheeptame
: tame animalsmilkcow
: milk cowcraftitem
: craft somethingconsumeitem
: consume an item - like eating an appleenchantitem
: enchant somethingmoney
: players can contribute money with /cq deposit
The questId is the key used in the yml file. In the quest above the id would be Fishing. If multiple quests with the same id are live it will chose the one that was created first. For
: quest goal%communityquests_complete_questId%
: amount complete for a quest%communityquests_time_remaining_questId%
: time remaining in the quest%communityquests_name_questId%
: the quest display name%communityquests_description_questId%
: the quest description%communityquests_you_questId%
: the amount you've contributed to the quest