- Step1: Pass the locations of the respective network-edgelist to corresponding file for calculating the largest strongly, weakly connected components along with the desired output location: boost-graph-cpp/lscc_boost.cpp (lines 89, 172), boost-graph-cpp/lwcc_boost.cpp (lines 98, 133)
- Step2: Use the boost-graph-cpp/apsp.cpp (line 65) to pass the location of the respective component. Prints the network component statistics of that component
- Requirements: C++11, boost-cpp (http://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_61_0/more/getting_started/unix-variants.html)
- Requirements: https://networkx.github.io/, numpy, python (> 2.2)
- Please start with the source/main.py file and follow through the documentation of each function