Pinned issues
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Is this repo dead?
#3846 opened by kmcrawford - 0
How to use NativeBase with RNRF?
#3803 opened by kharikbo - 4
ViewPropTypes removed from React Native
#3826 opened by nabilfreeman - 2
Deprecation in 'createStackNavigator': 'transitionConfig' is removed in favor of the new animation APIs at StackView
#3793 opened by bytemtek - 4
TypeError: undefined is not an object (evaluating '_$$_REQUIRE(_dependencyMap[31], "react-navigation-tabs").createMaterialTopTabNavigator')
#3815 opened by linweiboy - 0
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Replace deprecated Linking.removeEventListener(), to remove() , throwing error undefined is not a function
#3844 opened by manarfalah - 0
Unable to navigate back to screen Using Deep Linking for Payment Integration using in app browser
#3842 opened by iqra032 - 1
Broken on IOS 16
#3831 opened by nica0012 - 2
Error: There is no route defined for key Location. Must be one of: 'root','modal'
#3832 opened by tanerparcali - 4
Is This Lib Dead??
#3817 opened by Nagavikas96 - 2
Unable to resolve module `./navigationStore` from `node_modules/react-native-router-flux/src/index.js`:
#3813 opened by BennyTian - 1
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Module not found: Can't resolve '@react-navigation/core'
#3804 opened by chilarai - 0
"initial" Scene prop value is not taking effect
#3827 opened by kuriel-trivu - 1
Tabs Error
#3809 opened by wuwenbin104 - 3
TypeError: _core.pathUtils is undefined
#3823 opened by vkanagarajan - 0
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Replace deprecated `Linking.removeEventListener()`
#3802 opened by sonicdoe - 2
react-native-reanimated 1.13.2 → 2.0.1 : ERESOLVE unable to resolve dependency tree
#3747 opened by allenmanning - 3
Scaling of navBar not working in react-native 0.66
#3806 opened by PhilippLeh21 - 15
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How to get redux DevTools time travel to work
#3812 opened by nicwhittle - 10
4.2.0 → 4.3.0: TypeError: navigationStore.getStateForAction is not a function.
#3746 opened by allenmanning - 0
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cannot consume props in functional components react hooks
#3789 opened by anuk112 - 12
warning header: null' will be removed in a future version. Use 'headerShown: false' instead
#3745 opened by Wellbrito29 - 1
hideNavBar work only initial scene
#3777 opened by studiozocaro - 8
most style props not working in 4.3.0
#3740 opened by nica0012 - 2
Cannot get SideMenu to appear or function
#3792 opened by markamccorkle - 0
Upgrading to RN 0.65.1 causes tabs to fail with _reactNative.Keyboard.removeListener is not a function
#3801 opened by mrozanski - 0
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Deprecation in 'createStackNavigator': 'transitionConfig' is removed in favor of the new animation APIs
#3748 opened by khdarshan - 0
How to change Navbar color on different Routes
#3787 opened by amPhilip - 1
how to hide scene tabs in tabs
#3788 opened by tanz98 - 0
How can i wrapped few scense together with component onTop like (Header component)
#3786 opened by maoryadin - 0
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tabBarPosition="top" error in android
#3780 opened by aryanaaaa - 0
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Unable to set custom backTitle on Scene
#3753 opened by yberstad - 1
renderRightButton not working
#3771 opened by lightning331 - 2
[Android]The app stuck on Flash Screen when open back after press hard back button
#3769 opened by toansavyu - 2
Invariant Violation: requireNativeComponent: "RNSScreen" was not found in the UIManager.
#3754 opened by dion-george - 0
RNRF components not changing style with redux theme color change (light/dark mode toggle)
#3761 opened by nica0012 - 0
- 1 crash on screen change
#3742 opened by krunalbad - 1
Cant remove the headers bottom border in v 4.3.0
#3739 opened by nica0012 - 1
iPhone 12 Navbar and Tabbar not respecting Safe Area
#3736 opened by nica0012 - 1