Keylogger Application

Problem Statement

Design a keylogger.


Keylogger app is a C++ application that has basic functionalities of key logging software. Three primary goals of this app are:

  1. Execute in hidden mode in background.
  2. Detect and capture Keystrokes.
  3. Save keystrokes log in a text file.


This keylogger supports the following characters and symbols:


Technology used

  • C++

Resources Used


  • FreeConsole(): Detaches the calling process from its console. It helps in running the program in background.
  • GetAsyncKeyState() can't tell the difference between upper and lower case letters. We would need to take SHIFT and CAPSLOCK into account in order to determine case.

How to Run Keylogger [Using an IDE]

  1. Clone this repository from GitHub: $

  2. Open keylogger.cpp and change the maximum number of key strokes you wish to record (max constant)

  3. Compile with MinGW: g++ keylogger.cpp -o keylogger.exe

  4. Run keylogger.exe

  5. The program will terminate after a certain number(max constant) of key strokes.

  6. Inspect log.txt


log.txt output:

log-output output