
I tried to convert .cfg file to organized .xls file

Primary LanguagePython


Tachnican in charge of Scada (Siemens Simatic) wanted help from me.

Problem: Technician needs to prepare xls table about panel map for electricic technician. He need to write every cell with hand one by one. This operation takes approximately 4 hours. I tried to decrease this preparing time to 2 second.

Program Steps:

  • Pandas read .cfg file in lines
  • I developed an algorithm for searching in lines according to panel numbers
    • I collected every useful lines index numbers in a list
    • I matched the index numbers with orjinals lines and create a new list including strings
    • I repeated this process 4 times for every type of data
  • I concat whole seperated data and record it as an xls file
  • I used PyQT5 for design interface in another python file in the name"cfg_to_xls.py"
  • I brought .py files to the type of .exe file with "pyinstaller"

Aydin Aktar
Mİneral Processing Engineer


Program Steps: