
Fast Online Triplet mining in Pytorch

Primary LanguagePython

Deep metric learning and classification with online triplet mining

Pytorch implementation of triplet networks for metric learning


This package requires Pytorch version 1.4.0 and TorchVision 0.5.0


  • GPU implementation of online triplet loss in a way similar to pytorch loss
  • Implements 1-1 sampling strategy as defined in [1]
  • Random semi-hard and fixed semi-hard sampling
  • UMAP visualization of the results
  • Implementation of training strategy to train a classifier after learning the embeddings.
  • Implementation of stratified sampling strategy for the batches.
  • Implemented on MNIST dataset as an example.

Code Structure

  • networks.py
    • ConvNet class - base network for embedding images in vectors and getting labels
  • loss.py
    • OnlineTripletLoss - triplet loss class for embeddings
    • NegativeTripletSelector - class for selecting the negative sample from the batch based on the sampling strategy.
  • train.py
    • TripletTrainer - class for training the dataset with triplet loss and a classifier after it if required.
  • utils.py
    • make_weights_for_balanced_classes - assign weight to every sample in dataset for batch sampling.
    • save_embedding_umap - save UMAPs of the training set and test set.
  • config.json
    • hyperparameters for the training


[1] Theoretical Guarantees of Deep Embedding Losses Under Label Noise