
developing scripts for project studying relationship between authorship, acknowledgement and gender in schol comm

Primary LanguagePython


simple scripts for project studying relationship between authorship, acknowledgement and gender in schol comm

AuthorAckExtract.py : this script:

  • crawls a directory containgin PMC files;
  • mines the JATS mark up for different parts of the journal article (authors lists and acknowledgement statements
  • uses Stanford NER to ID people in the acknowledgment statements
  • ID's the gender of each author and acknowledgee
  • outputs this into a series of files for later analysis (review for precision and recall of the acknowledgement extraction and gender ID).

nameGender.txt contains the names and genders*

NERExtractor.py : after running forNER.csv through the Stanford NER (currently using the GUI for testing), this script pulls the entities out and spits them into a separate file

parsenames.py - ID gender of authors and acknowledged entities

gender identification

*gender ID scripts forked from [@ptigas] who doesn't seem to have this in a repo
pulls names from social security "most popular US baby names" into a csv: http://ptigas.com/blog/2012/01/21/name2gender-in-python/

Resulting HTML processed in excel: I made a pivot table to count how many years a name was a male or female name. I assigned a gender to a name if was male or female >55% of the time; for those within the 45-55% range I left them ambiguous.

  • We could possibly reduce the error if we constrain the temporal range of names a bit more; if the earliest paper in our corpus was published in 2000, then it's reasonable to say that a publishing author wouldn't be older than, say, 80, or younger than 20 -- meaning we could pull names from 1920-2000 and see if that makes gender more precise. Might be way overthinking it though
  • Could also be more conservative with the ambiguous names -- move the % to 45-55%.