
This plugin adds support for static texts in Leaflet maps. If you want text that does not resize on zoom in or out animation but has a fixed size, you may be interested in this plugin. You need to provide a bounding box where you want to place your text. Technically rendering is done through embedded texts in a SVG element, which is then used through L.SVGOverlay.


See the following examples for demonstration:


$ npm install leaflet-text


import {svgLabelledTextBox} from 'leaflet-text'

const map = L.map('map').setView([52.5069,13.4298], 15);


map.whenReady(function() {
  const label = 'Headline'
  const text = '12:00 | Alexanderplatz\n„Alle gegen Alle“'
  const bounds = L.latLngBounds([52.50998775888057,13.444347381591799],[52.50611297738362,13.427524566650392]);
  svgLabelledTextBox(bounds, label, text).addTo(map)