
VOIP SIP message DOS tool.

Primary LanguageC


SIPDOS - Developed by rhale

Release: FEB 2006

Purpose: Security Testing for various voip devices.

LICENSE: This program suite is completely free


tar -zxvf sipdos.tar.gz



or individually compiled

gcc sipdos.c -lsock -o sipdos


sipdos.c - A basic Registration DOS. Change char *message to be any message you want. When run from the cli takes TARGET IP Address as an argument and then Enters a while loop creating as many packets as it can towards the destination.

inviteFlood.c - Send a flood of Invites to the far end.

pinginvite.c - Send 1 invite and check for a sip response.

pingport.c - Check for an open TCP port.

pingsip.c - Send a register and check for an invite.

sendsip.c - Send 1 registration message.

sipdosCustom.c - Send a custom message. Useful for fuzzing messages. For instance, inserting a carriage return in the body of some messages causes the far end Parser to crash allowing packets through a firewall that should have been blocked.

spoofsip.c - Send a SIP Registration message with spoofed source address.