
A zsh prompt theme for oh-my-zsh with material-theme flare.

Do What The F*ck You Want To Public LicenseWTFPL

Rusty 🛠 - A material inspired zsh prompt

Rusty prompt preview


For Oh My Zsh,

  • Copy over the theme file to $HOME/.oh-my-zsh/custom/themes.
  • Then in your $HOME/.zshrc file, change the line ZSH_THEME="xyz" to ZSH_THEME="rusty".
  • Open a new terminal and you're ready to roll.

Inspiration & Credits

  • Diki Ananta has a pretty sweet zsh theme called oxide, but I kinda ran into problems with it not detecting file additions, when in a git repo. I "borrowed" the prompt structure and colors from him.
  • Robby Russel's default oh-my-zsh prompt is just the right amount of kung fu for me. The theme file structure is again, "borrowed" from him.
  • The name Rusty comes from Colt Steele's mutant dog ❤ 🐶. I took his course and the dog decided to stay 😊.


WTFPL 📦 ~akts