A re-usable list of Roman Amphitheaters. Currently formatted as geojson with a json-ld context. It's very incomplete as, depending on how you define the term, there are some 200+ amphitheaters known from the Roman world.
Some of this data comes from Wikipedia's list of Roman amphitheaters at . I used that as a starting point but have made corrections.
The basic json object for a "record" is:
{ "type": "Feature", "id":"arlesAmphitheater", "properties": { "dcterms:title": "Amphitheater at Arles", "rdfs:seeAlso": "", "dcterms:created":90, "capacity": 20000 }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 4.631111, 43.677778 ] } }
If you want to load this file into a geojson-aware mapping tool, use the URL:
As a convenience, here's a link that validates the geojson in the above file:
What's the purpose? To explore reusable data. If it becomes a complete list of amphitheaters, that's a pleasant side-effect.