
A complete example of using the `akuity` CLI to declaratively manage Argo CD instances on the Akuity Platform.

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Akuity Platform Declarative Example

A complete example of using the akuity CLI to declaratively manage Argo CD instances on the Akuity Platform.

This repository is accompanied by a complete tutorial in the Akuity Platform documentation.


Log into the akuity CLI.

akuity login
  • Open the link displayed, enter the code.

Set your organization name in the akuity config.

akuity config set --organization-name=<name>
  • Replace <name> with your organization name.

Create the Argo CD instance on the Akuity Platform.

akuity argocd apply -f akuity-platform/example

Connect the clusters

Apply the agent install manifests to the cluster.

akuity argocd cluster get-agent-manifests --instance-name=example kind | kubectl apply -f -

Log into the argocd CLI

argocd login \
    $(akuity argocd instance get example -o json | jq -r '.id').cd.akuity.cloud \
    --username admin \
    --password akuity-argocd \

List the Applications

argocd app list

Example output:

NAME                   CLUSTER     NAMESPACE       PROJECT  STATUS  HEALTH   SYNCPOLICY  CONDITIONS  REPO                                               PATH                    TARGET
argocd/bootstrap       in-cluster  argocd          default  Synced  Healthy  Auto-Prune  <none>      https://github.com/akuity/declarative-example      apps/                   HEAD
argocd/helm-guestbook  kind        helm-guestbook  default  Synced  Healthy  Auto-Prune  <none>      https://github.com/morey-tech/argocd-example-apps  general/helm-guestbook  HEAD
argocd/sync-waves      kind        sync-waves      default  Synced  Healthy  Auto-Prune  <none>      https://github.com/morey-tech/argocd-example-apps  general/sync-waves      HEAD