
To Sort given numbers by quick sort using MPI

Primary LanguageC


To Sort given numbers by quick sort and parallelizing it by MPI.
generator.c is used to generate N random numbers and write them in file random.txt. N is asked from user. It runs in one processor only.
Code is parallelized in sort.c. Just for the sake of similarity, generator.c is also converted to a MPI code.
To compile:

mpicc -o generator generator.c

To run:

mpiexec -n 1 ./generator

Where n is the number of processors. n can take any positive integer value.
sort.c reads the data from random.txt and sorts it and writes back the sorted data in sorted.txt. Best results will come when n = 4 is given while running sort.c
To compile:

mpicc -o sort sort.c

To run

mpiexec -n 4 ./sort