
Set of libraries that allow you to connect to Samsung smart TV over web sockets and issue standard remote control commands

Primary LanguageC#


Project description

Set of libraries that allow you to connect to Samsung smart TV over web sockets and issue standard remote control commands.


Reference NuGet package

dotnet add package Samsung.SmartTv.Client.WebSockets 


const string AppName = "TestRemote";
const string IpAddress = "";
// Default web socket service port
const int Port = 8002; 
var tvIpEndPoint = IPEndPoint.Parse($"{IpAddress}:{Port}");

// Register your application as remote control on the TV.
// After this call your TV should prompt you to allow your program to be registered as a remote control.
// After successful registration there is no need for subsequent ones, just store and use the token you got here.
var token =  await AppRegistryClientFactory.Create(tvIpEndPoint, useConsoleLogger: true).RegisterAppAsync(AppName).ConfigureAwait(false);

using var remoteControlClient =RemoteControlClientFactory.Create(tvIpEndPoint, AppName, token!, useConsoleLogger: true);

// Open the websocket connection
await remoteControlClient.ConnectAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);

// Predefined keys
await remoteControlClient.SendKeyAsync(Key.Mute).ConfigureAwait(false);
await Task.Delay(5000);
await remoteControlClient.SendKeyAsync(Key.VolumeUp).ConfigureAwait(false);
await Task.Delay(5000);
await remoteControlClient.SendKeyAsync(Key.ChannelUp).ConfigureAwait(false);
await Task.Delay(5000);
await remoteControlClient.SendKeyAsync(Key.ChannelDown).ConfigureAwait(false);

// Custom channel number.
var channel01 = Key.GetChannelNumericKey(1);
await remoteControlClient.SendKeyAsync(channel01).ConfigureAwait(false);

// Close the connection
await remoteControlClient.DisconnectAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);

Custom device certificate validation

// In case that you want to validate certificate used for TLS by the TV, implement interface IRemoteCertificateValidator.
// Provide instance of your own validator to factories that are creating app registry and remote control clients.
// If you not provide your own implementation, remote certificate will always be considered valid.
class CustomCertValidator : IRemoteCertificateValidator
    public bool Validate(object sender, X509Certificate certificate, X509Chain chain, SslPolicyErrors sslPolicyErrors)
        return true;

var token =  await AppRegistryClientFactory.Create
   remoteCertificateValidator: new CustomCertValidator()


using var remoteControlClient = RemoteControlClientFactory.Create
    AppName, token!,
    remoteCertificateValidator: new CustomCertValidator()

Custom logging

// You can introduce custom logging by implementing interface ILogger.
// If you want to use already built in console logger, when creating clients set useConsoleLogger to true.
// Provide instance of your own logger to factories that are creating app registry and remote control clients.
// If you don't provide your own implementation, logging will be disabled.
class CustomLogger : ILogger
    public void Debug(string message) => Console.WriteLine($"DEBUG: {message}");

    public void Error(string message) => Console.WriteLine($"ERROR: {message}");

    public void Error(string message, Exception exception) => Console.WriteLine($"ERROR: {message}");

    public void Info(string message) => Console.WriteLine($"INFO: {message}");

    public void Warn(string message) =>Console.WriteLine($"WARN: {message}");

var token =  await AppRegistryClientFactory.Create
    logger: new CustomLogger(),


using var remoteControlClient = RemoteControlClientFactory.Create
    AppName, token!,
    logger: new CustomLogger()


This library is product of home automation effort and it is tested on only two devices:
UE32M5572AU (2017)
UE50TU8002K (2020)