
The Chaos Collective's rapid development library for NodeJS servers.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

The Chaos Collective: NodeJS Library


Rapid Prototyping library for NodeJS (on the server).



The kernel_db module provides simple access to a core set of database operations on the server including management of data for:

  • Sessions: Persistant session management via express/cookies.
  • Projects: A list of proposed, ongoing, and archived projects and ideas.
  • Users: Lightweight user managament for keeping track of who's who.


The kernel_sessions module hooks into the kernel_db and takes care of session management.


The kernel_app module adds basic functionality useful across all apps.

  • getClientIP(req): Try to get the IP address by accessing header information in the user request object.
  • getClientIpBase36(req): Get the IP address, then convert it to Base36 (nice and compact for storing/printing) user info.



HTML logging by level of importance.

  • log1(msg): low importance
  • log7(msg): high importance
  • log8(msg): very high (warning level)
  • log9(msg): ultra high (error level)